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Technical Dinner: "Ethics"

  • Forsgate Country Club (map)

Be sure you have your ethics credits for PE license renewal!

Join us for a Technical Dinner Presentation on "Ethics" for Engineers

When: February 20, 2018

Where: Forsgate Country Club; Monroe Township - NJ

"Ethics Jeopardy"

Presented by Ted Green, PE
Engineering Project Manager
New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program (NJLTAP)
ASCE Regional Governor

Obeying the law is what we have to do. Behaving ethically is what we ought to do, but not necessarily have to. This leads to a dilemma all engineers must deal with on a daily basis. Ethical decision making is one of the chief responsibilities of leaders in any profession. This presentation, based in part on a well-known television game show will engage you in an interactive discussion on engineering ethics by utilizing the ethics canons of various engineering professional societies as they relate to situations civil engineers often experience. In addition, case studies will be utilized to provide group discussions on how you may manage the situation at hand.


Presented by: Ted Green, P.E., M.ASCE, ASCE Region 1 Governor